
The 25 Worst Jobs You Could Possibly Have!

Very few of us really love our jobs, do we? Even if we quite like the place we work, the idea of dedicating forty or so hours a week to it can be a bit of a drag, can’t it? But, look on the bright side. It could be worse. It could always be worse. So don’t sit around all glum about your job – try and be positive. Think about those people out there who have it worse than you. And there are plenty of them. Don’t believe us? Well, alright – have a browse through 25 of the worst jobs in pictures. Then be thankful for where you work!


1. Well, this looks straightforward enough…

Bad Jobs


2. ‘I want to work with horses when I grow up!’

Bad Jobs


3. This is quite literally a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it…

Bad Jobs


4. ‘Necessary skills: The ability to be beaten up by groups of small children a lot’.

Bad Jobs


5.Occupation?’ ‘Comedy Cartoon Male Genitalia Character‘.

Bad Jobs


6. Bicycle Brick Courier.

Bad Jobs


7. Motorcycle Egg Courier.

Bad Jobs


8. What a (hand) job!

Bad Jobs


9. This guy’s counting down to 5pm.

Bad Jobs


10. ‘What do I do for a living? I, er, I’m a, um… I’m unemployed.’

Bad Jobs


11. We wonder what the package is with this job…

Bad Jobs


12. This research scientist job is the pits.

Bad Jobs


13. Plank Stander.

Bad Jobs


14. Oh dear…

Bad Jobs


15. This doesn’t look like a lot of fun.

Bad Jobs


16. We’re not even sure what this is exactly, but it doesn’t look good, does it?!

Bad Jobs


17. Performing Elephant Dung Evacuation Executive.

Bad Jobs


18. No, thanks.

Bad Jobs


19. We’re not very keen on this one, either.

Bad Jobs


20. How much do Human Stools get paid?!

Bad Jobs


21. Let’s hope this dude has insurance…

Bad Jobs


22. This guy’s doing overtime tonight…

Bad Jobs


23. Alligator Nutrition Assistant.

Bad Jobs


24. Another elephant’s backside-related job. This one’s arguably worse!

Bad Jobs


25. ‘You missed a bit…’

Bad Jobs

H/T: Opposing Views

What do you think?

Written by Boredom Bash

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